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Finally Paid Off The Auto Loan

April 3rd, 2017 at 01:29 am

Hello Everyone,

I have not posted in a really long time, but I have been keeping my pages up to date. The good news is that I paid off the car loan almost a year early. I had been making double payments each month for the past few months. Saturday, I decided to just pay it off with the overtime I have been working lately. I am now debt free except for the mortgage.

A huge life event will possibly be coming up this Fall. The decision is whether to retire. I turn 65 in October and will be eligible for Medicare. I am sick of my job, and am ready NOW to retire, but with a medical issue here and there, I will just have to wait. So I am just padding the ole 401k until I make the leap.

I have been using a few financial websites and their calculators to see if a comfortable retirement will be viable. I am borderline to okay. One of the biggest determinants is the unknown, which is how long will I live. And the corresponding biggest fear is outliving my savings. If only I had the sense to invest for retirement at an earlier age!

6-30 Investment Plan Update

July 5th, 2014 at 02:28 am

For June I sold one health care stock into strength for a nice little 18% gain over a short 7 month holding period. I will probably soon redeploy the proceeds into more Real Assets, either another energy, commodity or precious metals holding.

This will continue my monthly addition into this asset class, which has been on the rise lately as inflation and the war cycles ramp up. My allocation into these holdings has risen mainly on price appreciation over the past few months. We may be in the beginning stage of another long term rally for some of these beaten down sectors especially the miners.

There were no other major changes in my core allocations.

My Plan and allocations can be found in the Investment Plan page in the sidebar.

First Entry

April 8th, 2014 at 01:57 am

This is my first blog, so I'm still trying to figure out how it all works here.

With retirement just a few short years away, I feel like I'm sometimes in the final stretch of saving and investing. I got a late start with serious retirement savings and investing along with a few stumbles along the way, so I'm trying to maximize every tool in the box that I come across. I hope to share what knowledge and experiences I've had along the way with learning new concepts found online. Cheers!