Annual Savings Rates
For various reasons I was not able to continuously save and invest throughout all my years of employment. After a few fits of starts and failures, I have only been able to get on the right track since my early to mid Forties. This means I got a very late start on serious retirement planning, saving, and investing. And, it's been very tough making up for all those lost years. Let this be a lesson to today's young adults that time is your greatest asset, mainly because of the power of compounding.Here are my Annual Savings Rates for the years I kept decent records:
2017 - 46.35%
2016 - 37.23
2015 - 35.90
2014 - 37.88
2013 - 33.99
2012 - 35.44
2011 - 32.10
2010 - 29.42
2009 - 26.08
2008 - 28.15
2007 - 28.09
2006 - 13.88
Footnote: The Savings Rate is a simple calculation of the sum of all contributions into the 401k, Roth IRA accounts, and all banking accounts, which is then divided by my Gross Income. The 401k Company Matching Contributions are not included.